Monday, December 29, 2008


So I have completely stepped down my Gabapentin (back to 900mg/day) since my last post. I have really noticed a difference.

The pain has returned in my lower jaw and tmj area. It feels like a steady dull ache, mostly right around the time I am to take my meds.

Over the last few days I have felt the shocking, jabbing, stabbing pains. Certainly not nearly as painful as they've been, but enough to make me wonder if they will worsen.

I had about 6 without any pain. I was able to eat almost any foods and actually enjoy them. I am back to finding myself avoiding anything hard in texture or hard to chew - I even missed out on Prime Rib this Christmas :( I accidentally chomped on a peanut in some christmas cookies and the shockwaves sent me to high heaven. It only lasted for about 30 seconds.

The last 3 days I have felt super weak and without any strength at all. It's back to being unable to get out of bed. The last 2 days my arms have gone numb or "asleep" from the elbows down. Only one of the times did it feel like pins and needles but mostly it felt like I'd stuck my arms in the snow - it was a "cool" numb feeling. I could still feel things on the outside, it just felt like the inside was numb, does that make sense? It's so hard to explain.

We have new medical insurance as of Thursday. My neurologist is retiring on Wednesday. I have a Feb appt to see a different neuro in the office but I think I am going to try and see someone closer to my house. As soon as my husband gets the card in his hand I will make phone calls for appts. But for now, I will keep the Feb visit scheduled.

Any insight to the arm numbness would be so appreciated.

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